March 21, 2022
EL PASO, TX – Henry J. Paoli, a partner at the ScottHulse law firm, has been appointed to the Civil Appellate Law Exam Commission by the Directors of the Texas Board of Specialization.
Mr. Paoli is a shareholder, a member of the Firm’s board of directors, and chairs the Firm’s Litigation and Appellate Law sections.
About ScottHulse, PC: ScottHulse is a full-service law firm with offices in El Paso and San Antonio, Texas, and Las Cruces, New Mexico. ScottHulse attorneys have represented individuals and major participants in the commercial and industrial sectors of the El Paso, Juarez, and Las Cruces Borderplex since 1889. Today, ScottHulse attorneys are involved in client and community initiatives that are transforming the Borderplex into the most dynamic commercial center in the Southwest and the epicenter of U.S./Mexico trade.