Blog & Legal Updates


Sep 2019

Strategies for Collecting Judgments Seminar

On October 17, 2019, Stuart Schwartz and Casey Stevenson will be speaking on Post-Judgment Discovery Strategies at the Strategies for Collecting Judgments seminar in Austin, Texas, sponsored by the State Bar of Texas. Learn more about our presenting attorneys below. Stuart R. Schwartz Attorney / Shareholder   Casey S. Stevenson Attorney / Shareholder  


May 2019

Empujado por el T-MEC, Mexico Aprueba Modificaciones a la Ley Federal del Trabajo en Favor de los Trabajadores y para mejorar el sistema de justicia laboral

El 1 de mayo de 2019, como parte de la celebraciones del día internacional del trabajo, México publicó en el Diario Oficial de la Federación modificaciones a la Ley Federal de Trabajo, con lo que se garantiza el derecho a los trabajadores a organizarse, firmar acuerdos colectivos de trabajo, así como un nuevo sistema de justicia laboral que reemplazará y mejorará a las actuales Juntas...

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May 2019

City of El Paso Receives Texas Award for Performance Excellence

***El Paso Becomes Largest Municipality to Win State Award in the Nation*** EL PASO, TEXAS — The City of El Paso has earned the Texas Award for Performance Excellence (TAPE), from the Quality Texas Foundation (QTF), which recognizes organizations for sustained performance excellence across seven key categories. The award, which is the statewide version of the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award—the nation’s highest presidential honor...

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Apr 2019

The Original Contractor’s Basic Guide to Filing a Lien in Texas

Thanks to the Texas lien laws being written so poorly, one of the most frequently asked questions that we receive is, “What must I do to get a valid mechanic’s lien in Texas?” Luckily, once you are able to decipher the language of the statute, the underlying requirements are not that complex. First, the type of contractual relationship you have with the property owner will...

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Apr 2019

Borderland Tax Tips: Issue #1: Last Chance for Maximum Opportunity Zone Benefits

By David S. Hansen Background: On December 22, 2017, The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (the “TCJA”) was passed into law in an atmosphere of bitter partisanship. So bitter in fact, that Democrats successfully initiated a maneuver to change the official name of the TCJA to “The Act to provide for reconciliation pursuant to titles II and V of the concurrent resolution on...

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Apr 2019

ScottHulse Attorney Rosemary M. Marin Elected as Board Chair of the United Way of El Paso County

Rosemary M. Marin has been elected as Board Chair of the United Way of El Paso County for 2019-2020. Ms. Marin is a Shareholder, Director, and Chair of ScottHulse Law Firm’s Labor and Employment and Education Practice Groups. For more than 93 years, United Way of El Paso County has focused on creating long-term, lasting change to make El Paso a better community for everyone....

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Apr 2019

The Shortage of Fuels in Mexico

Javier Lopez de Obeso, an international business attorney and Mexico Energy lawyer licensed in Mexico, recently published an article titled “The Shortage of Fuels in Mexico – Managing Crisis and Compliance” in Risk & Compliance, an e-magazine dedicated to the latest developments in corporate risk management and regulatory compliance. Published quarterly by Financier Worldwide, Risk & Compliance draws on the experience and expertise of leading experts...

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Apr 2019

What’s Happening with NAFTA? magazine publishes this article by Nathaniel Parish Flannery, a political analyst, and writer whose writings spotlight Latin America, and who provides his point of view of the current status of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (“USMCA”). The USMCA was signed by U.S. President Donald Trump, former Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto, and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on November 30, 2018. Each country’s legislature still must ratify...

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Mar 2019

PEMEX Partners to Invest $250 Million in Two Onshore Blocks in Mexico

Reuters publishes that two private partners of Mexico’s state-run oil company Pemex will invest a combined amount of $250 million in two projects over the next four years as they aim to quickly ramp up crude output, according to plans approved by the National Hydrocarbons Commission. These investments may generate business opportunities to the oil services companies. You can find the article here. Javier López...

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Mar 2019

Socios de PEMEX invertirán $250 millones de dólares en el desarrollo de dos bloques terrestres en México

Reuters publica que dos socios privados de la empresa productiva del estado mexicano, PEMEX, invertirán durante los próximos cuatro años hasta $250 millones de dólares en dos proyectos con el fin de aumentar la producción de crudo nacional, conforme a los planes aprobados por la Comisión Nacional de Hidrocarburos. Estas inversiones seguramente generarán oportunidades de negocio para las empresas de servicios petroleros. Puedes encontrar el...

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