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City of El Paso Receives Texas Award for Performance Excellence

***El Paso Becomes Largest Municipality to Win State Award in the Nation***
EL PASO, TEXAS — The City of El Paso has earned the Texas Award for Performance Excellence (TAPE), from the Quality Texas Foundation (QTF), which recognizes organizations for sustained performance excellence across seven key categories. The award, which is the statewide version of the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award—the nation’s highest presidential honor for performance excellence—singles out the City of El Paso as a state role model for working to pursue excellence by focusing on continuous improvement, engaging the workforce and optimizing our resources. For more on how El Paso is working to pursue excellence, see Performance Excellence Results – How we are achieving El Paso’s Vision. “The Texas Award for Performance Excellence affirms that El Paso is one of the top performing, most efficient organizations in Texas, and among the most effective in the nation,” said Mayor Dee Margo. “The award recognition demonstrates our City’s performance standards are among the most rigorous in the public sector.” TAPE recipients are selected based on performance excellence criteria used at the national level for the Baldrige Performance Excellence Program. The criteria include seven main categories: leadership; strategic planning; customer focus; measurement, analysis and knowledge management; workforce focus; operations focus; and results. “This has been a remarkable journey that is particularly noteworthy because it is an opportunity to showcase El Paso to the rest of the state and tell the true El Paso story,” said City Manager Tommy Gonzalez. “The City of El Paso has a quality workforce that produces high octane results by saving over $50 million in the last 4 years and bringing in over 100 million of revenue.” “This recognition not only celebrates but demonstrates the hard work, dedication and commitment of our workforce to continuously improve and strive toward new levels of performance excellence,” said Julie Baldwin-Muñoz, Performance Administrator. ”Employee participation and collaboration is a testament to the culture of our City as an organization. Surveys of our employees found that 98 percent understand how their day-to-day work contributes to the City overall,” Roman Sanchez, Process Improvement Administrator. The City of El Paso is the largest municipality to win the state award the United States. The City will be presented with the award at the Quality Texas Foundation conference June 25, 2019 in San Antonio. About the Texas Award for Performance Excellence (TAPE) Patterned after the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, the Texas Award for Performance Excellence (TAPE) was established in 1994 as an annual recognition of Texas organizations that have achieved performance excellence and applied outstanding quality principles in their day to day operations. For more information about the Quality Texas Foundation, visit